Jamaican Dollar Account:
Thank you for your support.
Direct deposits can be made to the:
Bank of Nova Scotia
Name: Earth Ambassadeurs
Branch: Constant Spring (#21725)
Account type: Savings
Account number: 000068768
US Dollar Account:
Thank you for your contribution.
Direct deposits can be made to the:
Bank of Nova Scotia
Name: Earth Ambassadeurs
Branch: Constant Spring (#21725)
Account type: US Savings
Account number: 000068769
By cheque delivered to our office @
Earth Ambassadeurs, c/o Reid Law, 22b Old Hope Road, Kingston 5
Cheques should be made payable to Earth Ambassadeurs Ltd.
Earth Ambassadeurs is a volunteer led environmental body committed to using education & science to raise awareness, promote behavioural change & find solutions to protect our oceans.